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How to get rid of your Capital Resorts Timeshare

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You will find the internet, radio and TV flooded with companies claiming to provide you a way to get you out of your Capital Resorts Timeshare, you quite literally cannot throw a rock without hitting at least a half-dozen of these outfits they have become so popular. The dirty little secret is that all of these companies charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars to "help" you do something you can do yourself as a Capital Resorts Timeshare owner!

You might ask how these companies can do business like this? The answer is simple:

Owners don't find Timeshare Users Group first to get the truth!

How do I get rid of my Capital Resorts Timeshare?

Just like with any other Timeshare, owners have 3 options available to them:

  • Find a new owner on the resale market
  • Give the ownership back to Capital Resorts
  • Stop paying

This article will discuss all 3 of these options in broad detail, but if more personal help or questions are needed you can find them covered regularly in other as well as the TUG Capital Resorts Owner Forum if you wish to look into those further!

Capital Resorts Has an Exit Program?

Yes! This program allows existing Capital Resorts owners to exit their ownership and surrender or sell it back to Capital directly!

This program can be found here Capital Resorts Exit information and includes both an online form, and direct phone number to contact Capital Resorts directly and begin the process of ending your ownership.

This seems too good to be true, whats the catch?

While there is no "catch", there are two requirements for an owner to be eligible to use this program

  • Your ownership must be paid off
  • You cannot be delinquent in your maintenance fees
  • Capital Resorts doesnt take back every ownership and is instead somewhat selective

If you have a Capital Resorts Timeshare you wish to get rid of, you can simply call the number on the website above and begin the process of giving your Timeshare back, assuming they will take it!

It is important to note that this program is run by Capital Resorts, not some 3rd party. Any communication and or transactions are made directly to them!

TUG Note: All exit/cancellation companies are well aware of this program and are still happy to lure unsuspecting owners into paying FAR more money instead! Dont throw money away and become a victim!

If it is so easy, why don't more owners use it?

Quite frankly, it is because most owners don't know the program exists! Admittedly no timeshare resort is going to go out of its way to promote such a program, although they do claim to regularly advertise its existence to its owners. The fact of the matter is that Upfront Fee Timeshare Exit companies do far more to specifically target and promote their "services" to owners because that is how they make their money!

There are thousands of Timeshare owners who feel they are stuck with their timeshare, and doing a search on google will return hundreds of results the majority of which are upfront fee Timeshare exit companies promising an easy way out!

Rest assured when you contact them, you wont be told about this program as if you knew, why would you pay them money to do something you can do yourself with a simple phone call?

There is also the matter of not every ownership being offered this option, and in those cases you are stuck with the other 2 options mentioned above as the only viable exit solutions!

Am I truly out of my Capital Resorts Timeshare?

Yes! Once you have completed the process of surrendering your Timeshare Ownership back, you are no longer an owner and no longer have any yearly maintenance fee obligations!

This is hard to believe, can you prove this program works?

Absolutely! This program was just recently announced and was first announced on TUG back in June 2019. How to give back your Capital Resorts Timeshare.

These are the lucky ones like yourself, unfortunately the rest likely pay some random company a fortune to do something they could have done themselves working directly with Capital Resorts!

What if I cant give it back to them?

Sadly most Capital Resorts Timeshares have little to no resale value! Alternatively (check out our other articles for more info on this) it can be offered up on the resale market for free to see if someone might be interested in taking it off your hands and becoming the new owner!

If you wish to investigate this route, we would suggest starting with our How to Give away a Timeshare for more details on how to give away your Timeshare yourself without paying large upfront fees and without being scammed!

What if I Just stop paying for my Capital Resorts Timeshare?

If you have exhausted all other options, all owners are able to exit an unwanted timeshare by simply defaulting on the payments. While not an appealing option at face value, every owners situation is different and you may discover that this is the "least bad" option for you.

This is such an important topic for owners, we actually created an entire youtube video to cover it! Check it out here:

The Final Word on Getting out of an unwanted Capital Resorts Timeshare!

Despite what any other company tells you (remember, these companies rely on misleading you in order to get your business, telling you the truth is not profitable in the Timeshare industry), this is an official program run by the developer, and you are dealing directly with them and not some 3rd party.

We urge any Capital Resorts Timeshare owner who has reached the end of their Timeshare lifetime to investigate this solution to dispose of an unwanted Timeshare!

Come check out our free Capital Resorts Owner Discussion forums! if you have any additional questions or concerns! There are thousands of other owners on this forum who answer questions all day every day!

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How to Exit or get rid of a capital vacations timeshare