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Get out of your Timeshare - Guaranteed!

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will be the best $15 you ever spend on Timesharing, we guarantee it!

Getting rid of an unwanted timeshare is one of the biggest problems facing owners today where you cant even turn on the radio or open your mail without an advertisement offering a guaranteed solution to get you out!

Wonder how they can make such a bold claim? This article (or watch the video above) is about to expose the truth!

The only 100% Guaranteed Timeshare Exit Solution is:

Stop Paying for it and let it go into default!

That's it folks, that's the super double secret probation strategy that guarantees the exit of ANY timeshare no matter what!

No one in their right mind would pay money to stop paying for their own timeshare, right? Well people do it every single day! Why you ask?

The exact same reason you bought your timeshare in the first place! Clever Marketing!

A sales pitch of "just stop paying for it" isn't going to result in any owner forking over thousands of dollars in fees. But these companies slap a bit of lipstick on that pig to make it seem like you are getting far more for your money! In most cases these companies will give the impression they are law firms, or otherwise plan to:

all that sounds much more appealing and legitimate right? That's why its so effective! Instead of thinking you are going to just stop paying for it, instead you are hiring an entire company to go after that big bad timeshare company for you until your timeshare is cancelled! What owner wouldn't be interested in that?

Why should we believe TUG instead of the Exit companies?

A bit of common sense goes a long way, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being skeptical! Only one side of this story is correct and the other is a complete fabrication! We are confident that any owner who reads this will be able to pick which story is the truth!

Ask yourself (or whatever exit company you are engaged with) if their plan includes you no longer paying for your timeshare and awaiting default? Or why every single complaint you can find on google, the BBB, or any legitimate review site out there all say the exact same thing! Either its a 5 star review claiming they were able to exit their timeshare (which they all are, after all they stopped paying for it) or the story is that the customer paid the huge upfront or monthly fee and never heard anything back after months or years other than being turned over to collections or similar. This is the case because even defaulting on your timeshare can take months or even years before any action happens from the resort other than sending you past due notices!

That's really it folks, that is the entire strategy! Stopping payment WILL eventually end your ownership but in many cases it can also come with the expected negative consequences anyone would expect when defaulting on a contract or loan balance including collections, late fees, and possible foreclosure! Note these consequences are covered in this separate article What happens if you stop paying for your timeshare? Of course these companies never mention those possible negatives in the sales pitch because after all, the goal is to exit your timeshare right? and goal achieved!

lets also not forget to mention that after you discover this was the plan all along when you eventually get a notice of collections, or foreclosure that you don't actually qualify for the money back guarantee because they consider foreclosure as a successful exit of your timeshare! (don't believe us? ask any of them and listen closely to the answer they give!)

Explain all those owners who claim these companies were successful?

Easy! Because they were!

(though you have to ignore the fact that nothing was actually done on your behalf vs you stopping payment)

The ugly secret is in their strategy of charging you thousands of dollars for you to "cease all communication with your resort, we will take care of everything" and then simply waiting for the default/foreclosure process to run its course! Calling this an "exit program" or other such nonsense is the only way to dupe unsuspecting owners into paying thousands of dollars to do something they could do themselves for free.

The really sneaky part about all this is foreclosure is actually quite expensive for the resort so in many cases the resort will eventually (after months, or even years in some cases) reach out to the owner and offer a surrender agreement that allows the owner to sign the deed back over to them "in lieu" of going thru the lengthy and expensive foreclosure process! This again is exploited by the exit companies as success allowing them to pretend their program was the reason when in actuality it would have happened on its own had you simply stopped paying all by yourself!

The timeshare industry is nothing if not masterful in spinning a yarn in such a way that separates owners from their money and in many cases the owner is completely satisfied with the result all because they simply didnt know any better!

So I should just stop paying for my Timeshare?

Well that's the million dollar question now isn't it? The answer like any other timeshare related question is: It Depends!

Now to be perfectly clear, any owner should 100% at least attempt to give away or give back their unwanted timeshare before considering defaulting on it, however for more and more owners those two options are less and less likely to succeed and when you find yourself stuck between with some really bad options, default may not be the worst of them and it has the benefit of getting you out of your timeshare for good! If you want to explore those other options, check out this article: Give Away or Give Back your Timeshare

Final Word on Timeshare Exit

Every owner has 3 options to get rid of an unwanted Timeshare. No matter what anyone else tells you or tries to talk you into the only valid ways to end your ownership are:

That's it, that's all of them and its truly as simple as it gets. Now admittedly every situation is different and options 1 or 2 can be difficult if not impossible for some owners thus leaving option 3 as the only 100% successful way to exit a timeshare! That is why this option is being exploited by HUNDREDS of exit/cancellation companies ranging from fly by night boiler room type operations to multi million dollar enterprises you probably hear or see on a regular basis offering that same 100% money back guarantee to get you out of your timeshare. And now you know how they can make that claim as well as how to use that exact same strategy yourself, for free!

If you want more help with your options related to getting out of your Timeshare, come check out the free Timeshare Owner Forums where tens of thousands of owners just like you gather to share information and advice 24 hours a day all for free!

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How Timeshare Exit Companies really get you out of your timeshare!